Firbimatic : Ferrari of dry cleaning

Global presence


Firbimatic has established itself as a world leader in the drycleaning industry and is now synonymous with innovation, technological advances, and extreme reliability. 
Since our creation, Firbimatic has experienced tremendous growth, which still exists today due to the expansive and proficient distribution network. This has been enhanced and maintained by a strict technical training process located at our world headquarters in Bologna, Italy.

Customers who choose Firbimatic know they can rely on an excellent mixture of knowledge, reliability, and safety advances that allows them to say they purchased “the best machine, backed by the best people”.

Firbimatic F Series

The Firbimatic Ecogreen Saver multiple solvent technology is designed to maximise savings by lowering utility usage such as water and electricity. 

The Saver uses an innovative cleaning technology to bring out the best results in dark and white garment cleaning using two separate and independent filtration systems.

The machine uses a high-tech filtration combination of nylon spinning disc filters and a special decanter with filtering powder to purify acids. 

So, at the end of the cleaning, your clothes will look like you bought them again from the shop.

"Simply the best for an expensive clothes !"